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All Billionhappy Lyrics (zh) Total 23

Billionhappy - 对不起我做错了事情 让你不开心 但你也有问题 却要我说对不起 我不说对不起 你让我也生气 你说话像傻逼我不想理 你说你没问题 我听不懂道理 所以我们要怎么解决问题 对不起对不起对不起 我就是不说对不起 对不起对不起对不起 我不说是我嘴硬 对不起对不起对不起
Billionhappy - Fool Love我那么爱你 你那么爱我 我那么爱你 你那么爱我 你说你爱我 比我想象的要多 你说你爱我 比我想象的要多 我那么爱你 你那么爱我 That‘s fool love That’s fool love That‘s fool love That’s fool love
Billionhappy - 9NMBCHARITY SsB: 请你帮我请你不要再来管我 请你帮我请你不要再来找我 请你帮我请你不要再来管我 请你帮我请你不要再来找我 请你帮我请你不要再来管我 请你帮我请你不要再来找我 请你帮我请你不要再来管我 请你帮忙 别来找我 High你马背现在全都给我跳舞 不要废话现在统统给我喝吐
Billionhappy - U Romantic Girl你在哪里 进我梦境 像是幻想 不切实际 你在哪里 潜入海底 想抱着你 变成流星 你送给我的公仔 还在我的包里 都是美好回忆 寄托在了物品 草莓味的记忆 你身上的香气 空气柔软细腻 当我和你在一起 U romantic girl
Billionhappy - ForbiddenCityMe and chalky are building our forbiddencity Ppl talk me like talking young KangXi 我们正在创造时代的奇迹 奇迹在创造你们总会知道 只是场虚拟的游戏 But we still make it dope 禁止游玩的游乐场 没有游戏却在嘻嘻
Billionhappy - Shabby Star总选择逃避的我 假装看不见过错 他们话 听不清 当我想到我的罪过 每个夜晚折磨着我 他们爱的是虚假的我 他们恨的是真实的我 我是SB所以做错 我是SB所以没错 我知道我还有爱 我还闪亮 我还要爱 我还闪亮 但我讨厌我 因为我是SB I
Billionhappy - 幻想曲Intro 排序出现端倪不确定 想笑却又被迫收回去 陷阱卡困在这个区域 掏了口袋有没扔的糖果纸 打开发现不知道是谁上次写的数字 7534621 我把它扔进垃圾桶 就没在意 回到家照镜子里的自己 眼角留下一滴小血滴 镜子里我像一条狗 跳跳糖在脑袋跳舞
Billionhappy - IPhoneXRBillionhappy: 让我打开我的手机 为你记录爱的点映 毫无保留的展示你的魅力 让我打开我的手机 为你记录爱的点映 证明我们爱过的痕迹 你如此美丽 我把镜头转儿转 你把姿势换儿换 只享受现在 我会记得 当你脸红的温暖 懂你想要的关怀
Billionhappy - Inside OutBillionhappy: 我的缺点都是缺点 我的优点想不出来 缺点很多我也明白 但我就要活自在 内心胆怯伤害他人情感 活的自在却又包含伤害 伤害别人好像不是很自在 装无所谓嘴上却又说着自在 这感觉太奇怪 我一点也不喜欢 让我说真心话的时候 却说不出来
Billionhappy - Now you feel like Rockstar?Pop M0lly here we go 排队的小妞都看我 Vip通道给我走 Trilliontrippy身边都是好朋友 我的水有一点苦 喝下我藏好的妒 派对不允许痛苦 快乐会从有到无 那把悲伤全部呕吐 过了今天再想明天的路 Now you feel like rockstar? Now
Billionhappy - FLEX!Billionhappy gogogo flex Billionhappy gogogo flex Billionhappy 爱爱土嗨 Billionhappy 爱爱土嗨 创造奇迹的100% 穿loverboy的爱男孩 520 520 520 520 520
Billionhappy - 难Billionhappy: Go baby I wish u know baby She want me hurt baby 这感觉难难难难难难 Go baby I need ur help I can’t feel love baby 这感觉难难难难难难 Go baby I wish u
Billionhappy - 100%fullofSickBillionhappy: So sick so love I write so sick love song for you So sick so love 因为爱你所以痛苦 So sick so love I write so sick love song for you So sick so love
Billionhappy - 无人邮箱我一睁眼就看到你 躺我胸前的你迷糊不清 记得好像昨晚才认识你 却忘记干过什么去过哪里 你给我丢下一个吻 让我不要认真 可我还是太天真 却还想把你的吻给温存 所以你知道我现在对你天天的想 就怕哪天忘了你的模样 还想能沉醉你的温柔乡 却像信件寄了无人邮箱 这样短暂的爱
Billionhappy - SorrySweetBabyamSB我想就让这些事情全都过去 我想安静即使知道你也委屈 我想我会难过如果真的离去 我想所有故事都会有个结局 我和你 也许本就不应该相遇 下着雨 是你眼角正在流的泪滴 我离去 你抱着我诉说你很委屈 没关系 反正时间会让一切过去 你要说我不听 我觉得没关系
Billionhappy - 100%FullofJayChouBillionhappy: 反方向的钟逆时针旋转不停寻找永恒 过去回忆告诉我到底哪些是真 我想要的完美主义不是虚无 可爱女人也有悲伤的一面 肖邦的夜曲在房间响彻了一夜 龙卷风 卷走我 如果我现在我不再是我 龙卷风 卷走我 我也不想难过 龙卷风 卷走我
Billionhappy - Pure天空飘下的雪洁白把污秽覆盖 祈求像花盛开却早已无人生还 如果没有你会不会有其他未来 把我躯体剥开 由内到外 让纯洁的颜色把身体包裹覆盖 当血液把雪融化却在一起腐烂 等待开出新的花在我的身体外 永不离开 洁白的爱 看天空又下起雨 雨融化在我手心 洁白一片片凋零
Billionhappy - 鬼火我跟我的元弟开着我的鬼火 兜里只有50块但尽情辉霍 我开若鬼火四处闯祸 头土开眼的玛丽都得归我 看我戎耀眼的鬼火 做事情不管对错 爸妈都管不住我 让敌人跪下认错 在这条街我丛设输过 因为背后有一车队鬼火 放学从不一个人走 兄弟投着喇叭内口接我 殿下永远准备好开上道
Billionhappy - 0%ofluvMIRAISENSHI: 当我我爱上你我不如爱自己 Shout out to 我自己已经不再伤心 这感觉太虚拟 填不满的空虚 彼此不再相信 对未知的恐惧 当我愛上你我不如爱自己 Shout out to我自己己经不再伤心 这感觉太虚拟填不满的空虚 彼此不再相信 对未的恐惧
Billionhappy - 100%Fullofluv过了一百种生活我才刚明白 我不止想做爱更想要永远的爱 你让我没办法爱上其他的女孩 你像是我的咒语我该如何走出来 过了一百种生活我才刚明白 我不止想z爱更想要永远的爱 你让我没办法爱上其他的女孩 你像是我的咒语我该如何走出来 我对那些女孩真的不是爱 对他们只是性冲动要跑出来
Billionhappy - LostbaobeiCome on babe lose yourself 到游戏里面 Come on babe lose yourself 这都是游戏 Come on babe lose yourself 拿到奖金 Come on babe lose yourself 我才是第一 我像动漫主角 都是我的剧情
Billionhappy - WhenwewerekidsNobody trust me Nobody f with me Nobody care about me Nobody luv me 我想念我的过去 我想念的我的朋友 想念他们说 不管在哪他们都爱着我 Nobody care about me Nobody luv me Nobody care
Billionhappy - IntroFeel so trip, I feel so trip 我感觉我的灵魂现在在离开肉身 我忘记我是什么 我忘记我可以做什么 那么人又是什么 我又是什么 我忘记我身边的人 我忘记我的技能 是谁拉住了我 难道这一切都是真 我不能相信 我保持怀疑 肉体是灵魂的监狱


Born in 1999, Chinese artist Han Yi commonly known by his stage, Billionhappy, from Anhui. Currently traveling between Shanghai and Hangzhou. He is a musician and also does fashion.“ Considering that there are still many listeners who don’t know him well, BillionHappy would like to introduce it to you again. Own.

Participating in “Young Rap Project” is the first time in Billionhappy’s life that he has stepped onto the public stage, and he was already mentally prepared for the audience not being able to understand his music. The Internet world seems to always have a certain degree of “hostility” towards “handsome guys.” Words like “He must be here to show off his face” also float in the barrage of the program from time to time. In fact, before this, Billionhappy had already produced four complete projects and multiple singles, and was already a real professional musician.

Han Yi is tall, and dresses in a very unique fashionable style. This is the first impression that Han Yi gives to people. This makes many people think that he is a cold and difficult guy to get along with. But when they talk to him for a few words, they will actually know that he is a cool guy. I found that he didn’t have any “idol baggage”, but was actually a very humble, approachable and even a little shy boy.

Han Yi will talk to us about the music he likes. Unlike most domestic rappers who started making music under the influence of hiphop in the 1990s and early 2000s, he was mainly influenced by GothBoiClique and Drain Gang, music groups that became successful in the Internet era. The music of artists such as Lil Peep , Bladee , and Ecco2k has given him a lot of comfort and inspiration. This kind of alternative hip-hop, which adds a lot of emo rock and electronic music samples on the basis of trap, Billionhappy was deeply attracted when he first heard it. “I also want to make such cool songs,”.

This kind of “listening background” makes Han Yi’s music creation methods and aesthetics significantly different from many domestic rap artists. Music is a kind of emotion for him, and everything, including production, lyrics, everything is To serve this sentiment, he also emphasized that the entire atmosphere was particularly important. He never talks eloquently, but focuses on describing the feelings of young individuals in this era of life. Some trivial daily life is the theme of his music.