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All Chip The Black Boy Lyrics (en) Total 24

Chip the Black Boy - True Evil{Chorus} True Evil Is not a horned beast True Evil Is not in the heart of man True Evil Is not all seeing True Evil It's a blind eye
Chip The Black Boy - Royal Blood("Worshipping, channeling, summoning.") {Gothic Cholo:} Yeah, 667 Mafia. Chip The Black Boy, Let it be know {Gothic Cholo & Chip:} With
Chip The Black Boy - Multiversal WarI've climbed through the tunnels of time Priming primitive prairies with primordial slime Slipping seeds into the silt Quilting patchwork pastures Mapping past and future
Chip The Black Boy - The TideCome along, children! Come in, the water's fine! Give up, give in, sign on Leave your mind on the doorstep The forceps are poised Rejoice for the birth of a new
Chip The Black Boy - PharmacologyHey, feeling sad? I've got something for ya! Try this, you’ll like it I guarantee you'll be delighted, ignite it The come-up is priceless Thumbs up, just try it One
Chip The Black Boy - Who?{Chip:} Who stole the stars from the sky? Who strangled the serpent and made the gargoyle cry? Who blinded Horus' eye? Who plucked the fairy's wings and sold
Chip The Black Boy - Bad Sonrise{David Liebe Hart:} Chip? Chip! It's time for bed! Time to get into the box! Chip! I told you, no more black magic! {Chip:} I'm
Chip The Black Boy - A Dangerous Line of Questioning("do you know somebody of questionable racial identity?") Am i fated to be an instrument of hatred? Unwittingly propagating colonization, appropriating language Imposing
Chip The Black Boy - Midnight{Myka 9:} Chip, in the backpack We're about to go out Torture, terror, awful, feel the death Devil, demon, hell, to nothing left Pain, give up the ghost
Chip The Black Boy - Plaything(“Wow, Mom! Boy, oh boy, I like it!) (“Buy this toy for your kid!") {Chip:} Take me home I'll be your boy until you're lowered in the soil
Chip The Black Boy - Culling SongAlive but not quite But lifelike emissary of the twilight Ushering in permanent midnight Bearing pyrite and promises Setting up shops and offices For the sleepwaking
Chip The Black Boy - Back from Hell*Knocking* {David/Father:} I'm coming, I'm coming {Chip:} Hello, Dad {David/Father:} Chip? I thought you were
Chip The Black Boy - Crop Killer{Chip} Oh! Shoutout to Monsanto! I don't smoke weed I smoke black mold I smoke yak dung Inflating my black lungs Blowing storm
Chip The Black Boy - Still Life{Recorded male 1} We call the “juice”... The body, to physics And we call the “juice”... The soul, to biology {Recorded male 2} And we’re really getting
Chip The Black Boy - Surprise Twist{Intro, Presumably Chips Dad} It's showtime son! Get out there! {Announcer} And now, the worlds smallest performer, only 26 inches high The
Chip The Black Boy - Sneaky Pecker{Verse 1} Peeping at night, while your sleeping at night Creeping in the crevices Finding out your fetishes Slowly, silently crawling in the crawl space Skittering
Chip The Black Boy - I’m Dead{Middle aged announcer} Hey hey, welcome to the show! {Chip} I’m dead, floating off and away amongst ghosts and stardust, pain-free, lost without hope,
Chip The Black Boy - Bastard of Andromeda{Man} It's an inanimate object, it's not gonna hurt you, Agnes {Woman} I feel like it's watching me. I don't like it...
Chip The Black Boy - 4-Headed Horseman{older gentleman} Gypsies of the 1800s believed strongly in spirit transferring and making dolls for which would make worldly sanctuary After death {Verse 1}
Chip The Black Boy - Gray{Verse 1} Lie back, relax, unfasten your clasps. I've drawn you a nice warm bath You’re tired and worn Your uniform is tattered and torn Slip into something more
Chip The Black Boy - Sex Dwarf{Intro} Puppetry is an avenue for inventing a personal metaphor Bringing forth truths and imaginative forces from the inner world {Verse 1: Chip} Have
Chip The Black Boy - Black Candles{Verse 1: Chip} Black candles melt on the mantle Illuminating gloom awaiting doom under an anvil A standstill There are stains on my hands still Under light of the
Chip The Black Boy - Freakazoid Shriek{Intro} At last, it's finished! What master? My evil creation which will bring untold misery to mankind! Hahahahahahahahaha! {Chip} I’m the
Chip The Black Boy - Am I Weird?Am I weird? Am I everything you fear? Am I the voice in the void in the space between your ears? Am I leading you to hell via wishing well? Am I vaulting you to heaven with a

Chip The Black Boy

Chip The Black Boy
Chip The Black Boy is a musical ventriloquist puppet which originated from a Public Access show in the early 2000s.