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All Möngöl Hörde Lyrics (en) Total 14

Möngöl Hörde - Taxi for the HordeTaxi for the horde Hey dickhead this party's fucking lame I'm fucking bored This is a stupid game and I won't play it anymore You call these {?}
Möngöl Hörde - Godfrey NewmanGood God Godfrey let me explain I was just checking my own profiles While wallowing in my own conceit Everyone has to stroke that precious ego ?? Good God Godfrey
Möngöl Hörde - Weak HandshakeYou know you're actually kinda cute With your halo and your Morrissey t-shirt Scratching round the chicken feathers and dirt Everybody has to make a living You know
Möngöl Hörde - How the Communists Ruined Christmas'Twas the night before Christmas And all throughout the house Not a creature dared disagree Yeah, not even a mouse With their communist Dogma With their Soviet
Möngöl Hörde - Tapeworm UprisingNatalie Portman's tapeworm had a sudden and very unexpected change of heart He said "this indie chick schtick's no longer floating my wick, I think I need a fresh start"
Möngöl Hörde - Blistering Blue BarnaclesI never was an easy child I had a lot of fights at school The careers adviser said to me Here's what I think you should do: Now you could be a sailor or Maybe you
Möngöl Hörde - Make WayOnce upon a time in Mongolia Sitting outside of a wall Trying to piss off the Chinese Start to get a little bit old after a couple of centuries So I'm saddling up
Möngöl Hörde - Staff to Refund CounterGod gave me consciousness but he never mentioned why What's the use of living long if we're all condemned to die? Humbled in hospitals I have seen the bitter end Everybody will
Möngöl Hörde - Stillborn UnicornSome people have all the luck Some people have it all: Born whole, on time and wanted It's just a casual fuck It's just so casual But every fuck has
Möngöl Hörde - Hey JudasJohn Archibald Wheeler once said that time is just nature's way of stopping everything from happening at once, as if the universe had a limited amount of bandwidth, or low RAM, like an early
Möngöl Hörde - Weighed and Found WantingShot in the face, shot in the hip, shot in the leg Both ankles too but he kind of enjoyed it Escaped from the camp Jumped out of the plane Chewed his own damn fingers off
Möngöl Hörde - Your ProblemProgress, progress Which kind of begs the question From what? To where? Lord spare me from idiots Wrapped snug in their "radical politics" Their ideals smelling
Möngöl Hörde - WinkyFace: The Mark of a MoronHappy day! The agonizing wait has finally come to a happy end! The universe has granted us its blessing Happiness is knowing that you'll never have to waste Another
Möngöl Hörde - Casual Threats from Weekend HardmenI spy something with my little eye A walking dead man A walking dead man If you look at my back just one more time Then you're a dead man You're a dead man

Möngöl Hörde

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Möngöl Hörde is an English hardcore punk band that was formed in 2012. The band consists of Frank Turner on vocals, Ben Dawson on drums, and Matt Nasir on guitar.

Their self-titled debut album was released on May 26, 2014, receiving critical acclaim for its raw energy and intense lyrics. The album showcased Möngöl Hörde's unique blend of punk rock and hardcore sounds, with Turner's passionate vocals taking center stage.

Prior to forming Möngöl Hörde, Frank Turner had already established himself as a prominent figure in the music industry, known for his solo work as a folk singer-songwriter. With the formation of Möngöl Hörde, Turner was able to explore a different side of his musical abilities and delve into the world of hardcore punk.

Since the release of their debut album, Möngöl Hörde has gained a loyal following and has been praised for their energetic live performances. The band continues to make music that pushes boundaries and challenges the status quo of punk rock, solidifying their place in the hardcore music scene.