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All Hope Lyrics (id) Total 1

Hope - Vampire Weekend{Verse 1} Banteng telah menanduk matadornya Tentara angkatan darat AS menang perang Maknanya mati dalam metafora Aku harap kau merelakannya Burung foniks terbakar


Hope is a musician with a diverse background, hailing from Moncton, Canada. Despite being labeled as a hardcore punk artist, she actually has no connection to the hardcore punk scene. In addition to this, there is also a rapper from Poland who shares the same name.

One thing is for certain, Hope is a versatile artist who cannot be pigeonholed into one genre. With influences ranging from hardcore punk to rapcore, she is constantly pushing boundaries and experimenting with different styles.

In the 90s, Hope was a part of a skate punk band that made waves in the music scene. Their rebellious attitude and raw energy set them apart from the rest, earning them a dedicated following.

Despite the confusion surrounding her name and musical affiliations, Hope continues to make music that resonates with fans from all walks of life. Whether she's shredding on a guitar or spitting bars on a track, one thing is clear - Hope is a force to be reckoned with in the music world.