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Lyrics for ROCKSTAR - LISA have not yet been released. Please check back here later to check for updates, or if you are already familiar with the text, leave it here yourself. We will be very grateful for your help.


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Not much is known about the British group Rockstar, who released an obscure 1976 single “Mummy”/“Over the Hill.” They did, however, include the mysterious bassist-singer Ace Kefford, who’d been in the original Move lineup before leaving in early 1968, going on to various unsuccessful post-Move recording projects over the next couple of years before drifting out of the music business. Apparently he drifted back into it for a bit in the mid-1970s, penning both sides of the single, with “Mummy” in particular bearing a strong early-‘70s David Bowie influence. The other members of Rockstar were Tony Weir, Sean Toal, and John Grimsley; both sides of the single are on the Ace the Face CD, a compilation of Kefford’s post-Move odds and ends.

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